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Thursday, April 8, 2010

3rd April 2010

it's the 1st saturday of the month, so we're supposed to wear full uniform, but since the next day, sunday, 4th April of enrolment day, so we wore mufti because on enrolment day we'll have to wear full uniform. =)

today, sad to say, squad5 only had 6 members. T.T soo hang went to clean grave. dear squad5, please do try ur best to come BB yea, our attendance is getting lower and unstable, sometimes alot members, sometimes vry few. =( jia you owh ^^

praise and worship by darren as the song leader, gratz =) we sang Kau yang Terindah, How Great is Our God and Hari Ini =P then after that we continued the movie about Moses. this is because this year's Bible Contest will probably be on the story of Moses. so we saw that Moses found out that he wasnt actually the prince of Egypt and so he ran out of the palace. then he married a lady after that. after that, we saw how the Lord spoke and commanded Moses to free his people of Egypt who were slaves. be continued next week =x

Badge class. the results on what badge we're going to take is out.
1. Safety's Badge - 2months
2. Environmental Conservation & Arts and Craft
* arts and craft is divided into 3sections, Art (drawing), Craft (cooking etc.) and Hobbies (any hobby)
3. Physical Badge
* just a test to see our stamina level, the badge class will be on the end of the year =D
4. International Relationship
* Sgt is still writing the proposal to the officers =x we MIGHT be going to singapore for that next year, wohoo ^^

so we started with our 1st badge for this year, Safety's badge. =) there are 4sections, Road, Home, School and Water. we learnt about Road Safety today. so 1st we were separated into 3 groups. the 'mentors', who are those that passed Safety's basic already, Sgt lois, Cpl xiao lye and L/cpl Jason. Sgt lois's group is named the quantity group. haha, jkjk =x so we discussed about why road accidents can happen, what causes. and then representative from each group will present our points, that is, Kai xian, Daniel and Kean Chung. gratz ^^

project for next saturday:
in groups. make a poster about road safety. gambateh =)

squad activity. since today there were only 6 members, we played a simple game. a game of communication. the 2 group leaders, Tam leng and Rong Ying will communicate with their group members to build a structure with books. for example the shape, word, tallest and shortest structure. and the last one was to make any structure that is meaningful. so both made a heart with a cross in the middle. 1 group copy cat actually =x and the leaders have to share about the meaning of their structure. the objective of this game is to train communication not only in the talkative members but also the quiet ones. and also to learn more about God la by the meaning of the structures. BUT, we didnt have time for the sharing, sry yea, didnt plan the time management properly =(

after drill, we dismissed =)

- next week BB same time, wear full uniform, and please b punctual yea =P
- safety's badge class please dont forget your project =D

that's all for this sat xD
God bless u..^^
sq5 rocks!!

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